We designed and delivered a half day custom, customer focused workshop for Google. The customer involved went on to engage in one of the largest adoption programs in their region! We wanted to share it so you can run this customer workshop yourself.

Customer Success Sprint Guide front page

This Customer Success Sprint helped secure a big deal for our client!

Download the FREE Guide


  • What a Customer Success Sprint is and when to use it
  • Each exercise from the workshop and step by step instructions for you to learn it yourself
  • Access our Customer Success Sprint deck
  • Resource checklist for an in-person half day Customer Success Sprint

We wanted to do something different to help our strategic customer in tech adoption, so we invited one of our customers to share some key challenges and Ben from Evolving Design developed such an impactful workshop where the whole team were able to engage with a key stakeholders from the customer, listening to them and working with them to develop tangible and personalised solutions

— Alexandra, Google

Benefits for Customer Success


Building Relationships

The workshop brings the customer into the process to solve their challenges, not the challenges you think they might have. They get you as a captive audience to share their frustrations.



You work with the customer to create lots and lots of solutions to their challenges.


The Customer is always right!

The customer has the decider vote on each step so you can contribute lots of ideas but they get to guide it.



The workshop is designed to provide clear actionable outcomes for you and your customer. You can start helping them solve their challenges the very next day.

Explore the exercises in the free guide and learn how we built it too!

Ready to Get Started?

The guide contains step by step instructions for each exercise, a list of resources and access to make a copy of the very deck we used with Google.