"Now, thanks to Ben’s training, I feel equipped to lead engaging, interactive sessions with real-time feedback on our progress."

Upgrade your team's facilitation:

How to run productive meetings and workshops

Facilitated by

Ben Rouse

We want to help you avoid this👇

A 2019 study by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) found that UK businesses waste an average of 6.5 hours per week per employee on unproductive meetings. This is equivalent to £10,000 per employee per year.

Enquire for your team

This training is for your team if...

illustration of two people are looking at a certificate with a magnifying glass. The certificate has a star on it.


You are an expert in your field and people ask you to share it but you don't have facilitation expertise or training

a group of individuals around a table with speech bubbles. One is standing, leading the meeting while the other two sit at the table.


You lead meetings and want to find more effective and varied ways to make them productive and useful

illustration of two people shaking hands in front of a calendar


You hate wasting people's time with useless or unproductive meeting time

Previous attendee:

While many of these sessions have offered interesting concepts and theories, I often found it challenging to translate them into practical applications in my daily role.
However, the session I attended with Ben in March, titled "How to Run Productive Meetings and Workshops," stands out remarkably. This has been one of the most impactful training experiences I've had. The models, frameworks, and concepts presented were immediately applicable, and since then, I have successfully utilized them to conduct workshops, meetings, and kickoff events with my team. The confidence boost this has given me is invaluable.
Previously, I often wondered about the effectiveness of my presentations—questioning audience engagement and whether I achieved my goals. Now, thanks to Ben’s training, I feel equipped to lead engaging, interactive sessions with real-time feedback on our progress.
Ben is an exceptional communicator who adeptly listens to his audience and adapts his delivery to meet the session’s objectives. I highly recommend Ben as a facilitator and trainer for anyone looking to master the art of conducting effective meetings and deliver workshops that work!

Jason Gordon, Texthelp



Check out the program we are covering:


1000 - 1130

We start by understanding why meetings or workshops are unproductive. What are the mistakes people make to lose the momentum, the room or let the outcome lose clarity?


1145 - 1300

Knowing what is wrong means we can put it right, with simple techniques to set up your meetings and workshops for success. Includes techniques for giving everyone a voice, managing energy levels and keeping the focus on outcomes.

Image sows a printed template for planning productive meetings and workshops. Hand written outcomes and activities are highlighted for key aspects in places.


1400 - 1600

Use what we have learnt to plan an upcoming meeting or workshop using a template you can take away and use every time for successful meetings and workshops.

What makes meetings and workshops work well?

Meetings and workshops are often unproductive, not because anyone tries to make them fail, often there are simple solutions to increase the chances of making sure you stay on track, hear from everyone and hit those outcomes with clear actions.


Set and get expectations

Define what the time together is for and more importantly who needs to be there. Don't invite people that don't need to be there and make sure everyone who has to be knows why they are.


Vary delivery method

Lecturing has a place, but your meeting or workshop should not be it. If you do have information to disseminate plan for an activity that gives people a simple way to reflect, review and feedback on it without you talking.


Clear instructions

An agenda is a good start but when you ask people to "discuss with your partner" or "reflect on" or "list all the..." provide very clear instructions as to how you want them to do it.


Remove cognitive load

People have lots to think about so reduce the load by making things easy. If you ask them to pair up, how can you make it really simple and not create awkward personal dynamics that slow things down? 



Whether remote or in-person or even the dreaded hybrid, have resources to make your life easier. Timers to keep everything on track. Sticky notes to allow everyone to contribute and sticky dots to make decisions effectively.

Enquire for your team

Meet Ben.

The founder of Evolving Design, Ben is passionate about people's time together being productive, equitable and collaborative. He believes creativity is something everyone has when given the right conditions to feel psychologically safe.  

With so many unproductive gatherings for teams and people, Ben created evolving design to put user-centric design skills in the hands of teams looking to create effective change together.

Connect with Ben
Ben is standing holding a time timer device with a red section indicating the time left. He has it in front of his chest and is smiling as he facilitates, wearing a white t-shirt.

We've got A's for your Q's

How many people is it designed for?

We are limiting the maximum number to 20 to make sure you get to network as well as gaining the best experience and lots of takeaways. Ideal is 10-20 people from your organisation or team that regularly lead meetings or workshops.

Are there discounts for charitities or non-for-profit?

Yes. Drop us an email with your organisation details and for those that qualify there is a 30% discount for qualifying organisations.

Where would the course take place?

We can come to your offices or work with you to arrange a venue. Alternatively we offer a remote version of the course that can be delivered over Google Meet or Zoom, even Teams if you ask nicely.

My question hasn't been answered here

Please get in touch via info@evolvingdesign.co

Let's get your team delivering amazing meetings and workshops?